Strong and Healthy Temple
Debbie McKiver is a Writer, Award-Winning Author, Speaker and Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She has a passion for helping...
Dr. Liz Hardy on online teaching
Dr. Liz Hardy, the founder of Liz helps online teachers overcome what she calls the Big Hairy Beasts of the job. She...
Dainty Bella Photography
I love looking at Dainty Bella Photography's website and Instagram! Her work is so great. If I get married I will be hiring Dainty Bella...
Youtuber Orenda Rain
Orenda Rain is a Youtuber and Entrepreneur. Her youtube channel specializes in Unboxing Witchy/magical/metaphysical subscription boxes....
Author and blogger Steve Costello
Steve Costello is an author and fledgling blogger although he had over five thousand engaged followers when he sent up a motivational...
Singer and songwriter Dru Hepkins
Dru Hepkins is a singer-songwriter, voice-over actor, vlogger and vegan. He currently works voicing characters, for video games, cartoons...
Vote for the artist of the week
More than 40 artists submitted their introduction to JaamZIN Art Magazine last week and we selected 4 of them to be featured as the...
Artist Juan Luis García
Juan Luis Garcia is an artist from Spain. he was born in Oviedo (Spain) in 1973. From a very young age, he was inclined towards artistic...
Award winning speaker and teacher Dr. Lynn M. List
Dr. Lynn M. List is an inspired author, award-winning speaker and teacher, a recognized leader and a personal coach. She was voted the...
Rapper and songwriter Ewattz
Born September 13, 1991, Quatreal Edwards, better known by his stage name Ewattz, is an American Rapper/Songwriter. In 2006 He made his...