Karina Zakaryan
"The first experience of the model made me straighten my back and proudly carry myself on the podium. I became more confident in myself,...
The 3 Best Hot Chocolate Recipes
We are going to share with you three amazing and really simple recipes to make the best homemade hot chocolate. Because the chocolate is...
Making chocolate from cocoa beans to finished chocolate couverture is a lengthy process and requires several steps. The complexity in...
A Journey Through Words
In 1991, Don Shetterly was paralyzed from a condition known as a “conversion disorder” for a short period of time. Since that time, he...
Multimedia artist Joan Raspo
Joan Raspo is a California-based multimedia artist who is obsessed by illusion. She strives to “trick” the viewer’s eye to see reality...
Cynthia Rosen fine art
Cуnthіа Rosen has bееn a talented аrtіѕt ѕіnсе a vеrу еаrlу аgе. She was grаntеd frее аdmіѕѕіоn to the Bоѕtоn Muѕеum Sсhооl аftеr wіnnіng...
Interview with artist and illustrator PLOID
J. Ben Moss ("art name" PLOID) is an artist & illustrator from Shreveport, Louisiana. He tends to do a sort of edgy comic...
How to Make the Best Buffalo Sauce Your Favorite Chicken Appetizers
This post is all about chicken wings. More precisely, about making this chicken appetizer better. Because what are chicken wings without...
Interview with CEO Luigi Wewege
Luigi Wewege is the Chief Executive Officer of Vivier & Co, a boutique financial services firm offering private digital banking solutions...
Cages - interview with author Enrico Mattioli
Italian author Enrico Mattioli just released his new book "Cages". In his book, Omar Mumba tells us a story of deep introversion. Born in...