Cinematographer Fernando Rios
Fernando Rios is a cinematographer, designer and creative.
"I have had the fortune of being able to travel the world and I have studies in Boston, Italy and in Mexico City. I am currently based in Melbourne, Australia. Throughout my life I have always been evolving in my style and trends. I am currently interested in portraits and in capturing the soul of people and really capturing the essence of the human being. Also I am interested in experimenting with vibrant colors.
A phrase on which I base my art and my way of thinking was told by Robert Bresson and is: "Make visible what, without you, might have never seen." With this in mind I always try to do things that leave the viewer thinking and have an impact on the way they see the world.
I made this photo with the help of Stefania. She is a girl with great energy, very interested in meditation and mysticism. With that in mind we use small lights which represent the energy that we have around us and that is constantly changing depending on our thoughts." - Fernando Rios