Anton Winzer
Anton Winzer is a self-taught artist from Austria. In 2009, after a break of nearly 20 years, he started painting again, doing...
Photographer Ashley Drake
Ashley Drake works as a photographer at The Picture People Studio in Ottawa, Canada. "I chose photography because it’s the only thing...
The artist of the week
The artist of the week is watercolor artist Janet Chui from Singapore. Congratulations! :) Janet Chui is a watercolor artist in Singapore...
Multimedia artist Joan Raspo
Joan Raspo is a California-based multimedia artist who is obsessed by illusion. She strives to “trick” the viewer’s eye to see reality...
Cynthia Rosen fine art
Cуnthіа Rosen has bееn a talented аrtіѕt ѕіnсе a vеrу еаrlу аgе. She was grаntеd frее аdmіѕѕіоn to the Bоѕtоn Muѕеum Sсhооl аftеr wіnnіng...
Interview with artist and illustrator PLOID
J. Ben Moss ("art name" PLOID) is an artist & illustrator from Shreveport, Louisiana. He tends to do a sort of edgy comic...
MagicalPaintings - promoting art in India
MagicalPaintings sells various paintings or photographs of various artists at a very cheaper cost in Mumbai, India. They also allow...
Interview with visual artist and designer Rasaliina Seppälä
Tonight our guest is Rasaliina Seppälä aka Rasaliina Art from Southern Finland. She is a visual artist and designer who usually paints...
Space Pirates the Musical
Patrick McNary from Las Vegas, NV. operates Orcs Unlimited, a small press game company. We have conducted an interview with him about...
Interview with artist and illustrator Lettecha Johnson
Lettecha Johnson is a New York based artist/ illustrator with recent experience in the tech world. She received her BFA in Illustration...