Producer and actor Bobby Emprechtinger
From soaring the world skies as a former jumbo jet Boing747 pilot to establishing himself now as an entrepreneur, film producer, actor, writer, Bobby Emprechtinger seems to have landed in the entertainment business to stay. At this very moment he is finalizing the film ‘The Mayfly Cycle’ which in collaboration with other artists, he was the author, producer and lead actor. Also pre-production of his next project ‘Spin: The Life Changing Story” is in place. Again as the author, producer and lead actor alongside with some cream de la cream of Hollywood as an American and European partnership. Beginning of 2018 is promising with good winds blowing his way. He’s taking the lead in two European productions as an actor and in May 17th he will be honored at the German Walk of Fame next to 300 international superstars such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Costner, Denzel Washington, to name a very few. After many landings, many storms, he still strives for the clear blue skies above the clouds.
"I have a film coming out in December called ‘The Mayfly Cycle’. It’s an independent production created by ‘Illuminar Motion Pictures’ and it speaks of the absence of communication and human connection in the world today and their possible consequence, in this case depression and suicide in an artistic and unique expression." - read our interview with Bobby Emrechtinger in The Crazy Mind magazine.